sábado, 8 de janeiro de 2011





1 comentário:

  1. To whom it may concer, this is one of the latest updates on this man and his center. I'm the student cited on this article....and yes I lost my money as well! It's almost 9 months now I've been trying to get a hold of this guy but it wasnt until things were made public that he came up with a bible long email explaining why he was missing with a lot of crap. I wonder why we still do a search on google on his name but none of the bad stuff comes out. We need to inform people about this guy.

    If anyone else bought a package for Tanglewood in Panama, not knowing that they had moved or were going to move, please let us know as I would like to talk to you..thanks. Cynthia Allf - https://www.facebook.com/cynthiaallf
    Maria Estela - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=507793929

    Read the article posted below.

    Loren Lockman Bait & Switched Locations of the retreat and then did not honor the fasting package I had purchased and trade agreement.
